Rules of procedure

The rules of procedure specify and complete the operating procedures of the association.
A copy must be given to each member of the association.


The Sfumato workshop provides a workspace equipped with presses and materials for etching, printmaking and lithography. It offers beginners an introduction to the techniques of printmaking and lithography in the form of courses and internships. Classes & internships are given by professional artists, members of Sfumato.

Some mandatory instructions:
– Extreme attention must be paid to: solvents, bites, aquatint resin, fire, and varnish

At the end of each cession, at least fifteen minutes must be reserved for cleaning and tidying, each attendant must :
put away their belongings (throw away waste and store belongings properly)
clean traces of ink and varnish, in the inking areas
clean the bite area
bites or solvents should NOT be poured into the drain, but only into the specific containers provided for this purpose.
clean the work tables, press trays and sinks.

People following lessons and internships will pay a 15 Euros contribution and thus become « temporary members” of the association (as defined in the statutes of the association). If, after completing their courses, they decide to join the open workshop, they will have to pay an additional 15 euros to complete their annual membership.


The open workshop is intended for experienced artists practicing printmaking techniques autonomously.
Workshop supervisors will judge the autonomy of applicants, taking into consideration their training in the discipline and their production. If the application is successful, the candidate may come and work in the open workshop, provided that he or she has read and accepted the rules of procedure described in the document.

Available material
The workshop provides an equipped space and the following basic materials:
– Blankets. Please note: any blanket with holes, hollow marks, saturated with glue or having suffered a large stain must be replaced by the user at their own expense. It must be of the thickness (2 or 3 mm), density (Plb 36) and size corresponding to the damaged blanket.
The suppliers to contact are either: Etablissements Laoureux, 75-77 rue du Grand Aulnay
76250 Déville-les-Rouen / Or TECHNIFEUTRE srl, ZI Nivelles Sud – Zone II Rue du Bosquet n° 15 1400 Nivelles Belgium / /
For engraving techniques that require better quality blankets, everyone is invited to purchase their own. For prints, plexi or any other thick matrices, use the “all-terrain” blanket or bring your own blankets.
– Blotters
– Carborundum
– Aquatint Resin
– Biting solutions for etching : copper sulphate and iron perchlorate
– Rolls

For all other supplies, members must come with their own equipment that they can leave on site for the duration of their use of the workshop: plates, papers, black and colour ink, soft and hard ground., varnish, brushes, solvents, scrim.
A storage space is allocated to each member who must ensure that it is kept in order and return it empty in the event of prolonged absence or permanent departure from the workshop.

Each member receives a key for the workshop against a deposit of 30€. On departure from the workshop, the key must be returned, in exchange for return of deposit.

Booking and Prices
Booking :

Artists who want to come to open workshop must book a session in advance via online booking, One booking to reserve the workshop and one specific booking to use of the lithographic press (a specific schedule is displayed in the workshop for this purpose).
In case of cancellation, the reservation must be cancelled at least 3 days in advance : after this deadline, the reservation is due.
Two time slots for reservation are available each day the day as follows: 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Members are requested to respect these times.

Fees for the open workshop :
Two fees are available for members :
1/ Annual subscription: €360. The annual subscription gives access to 3 workshop sessions / month for 12 months.
Additional sessions cost €10. This annual subscription may be paid in 2 instalments if necessary.
When joining during the calendar year, before the end of June, the artist will pay his
annual subscription prorata to the remaining months of the calendar year. From July 1st, any
annual subscription is at the rate of €200.
2/One-off Subscription:  €125 corresponding to 5 sessions. The 125 € fee must be paid at the start of the first session latest, and is valid during the calendar year.

Liability and Health & Safety
Extreme attention must be paid to: solvents, biting fluids, resin, heating plates, varnish.
Biting fluid or solvent should NOT be poured into the drain, but in the containers provided for this purpose.

Members commit respect safety instructions strictly and must not take any risks when using workshop equipment. Sfumato association declines any responsibility in case of an accident due to carelessness on the part of the user.

In the event that a user makes errors due to an obvious lack of technical knowledge, he/she will be informed and encouraged to follow remedying courses to acquire the correct technical expertise needed to handle the printing equipment.

Some of the material (presses, rollers or other) belongs to members of the workshop, who provide them for collective use. They require specific care as described in the ‘care charter’ associated with each item : members wishing to use them must take note of these description before using them. These ‘care charters’, validated by Sfumato association, will be posted or given by owner of the material as they see fit.

Each member should subscribe individually to personal liability insurance, and any other insurance they deem useful (loss and theft, etc). The Sfumato association also subscribes to an insurance.
The Sfumato association declines any responsibility for loss, damage or theft of equipment or personal belongings of its members. The association cannot be held responsible of any such incident.

Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the studio.

Workshop Tidying :
At the end of work, a fifteen minutes minimum must be devoted to cleaning and tidying the workshop. Each user must :
– Put away his belongings
Make sure that blankets and towels are put out to dry
Put paper sponges out of water
Make sure the taps are closed
Clean work tables, press trays, sinks, and toilets
Switch off ventilation, heaters (top and bottom), hot plate, lights
Unplug hair dryers
Clean coffee corner (no leftover food)
Garbage is collected and bins emptied at the end of the day
Lock the workshop, hall and outside gate with the key

Presses :
– Do not change the pressure setting of the presses
Check that the Ledeuil press plate is well positioned in the middle of the press
– Everyone shares the use of the printing presses and no booking is required, but, please do not monopolize the presses. If you have a large number edition to print, please check with the other users and get their approval before using the press for a long time in a row.
To use the lithograph press, advance booking must be made on the blackboard.
Clean and dry the presses’ plates after use

Acids :
– Clean all traces of inks, biting solution drops and varnish in the plates biting area.
Biting solution or solvent must NOT be poured in the drain, but only in the containers provided for this purpose.

Photo etching :
Use of the photo-etching device requires a good operational knowledge and has to be authorized by the workshop referent.

Lithography :
– When handling lithographic stones, users must wear safety shoes and use the bespoke transport trolley;
Only use 2 stones at a time, and for a period that should not exceed 1 month.
Please write your name on the stone. Stone without names will be resealed and reused.
Before graining, check that the stone is flat everywhere
File the edges of the stone after graining.
Carefully rinse your stone and the surface of the grainer next to your stone between the different grains 80,120 : if there are 80 sand grains before moving to 120, you risk scratching your stone. Likewise, when you have finished sanding your stone, rinse the back of the stone before putting it on the cart. Otherwise the cart tray, tables and presses will be scratched and full of sand.
When your prints are finished, grain the stone with 80 sand before putting it back on the racks.
When leaving the workshop, the forklift must be in the low position and free from sand and water.

The annual membership fee to Sfumato association is set every year during the General Assembly of the Association and is fixed per calendar year. Any person participating in the activities of the association is liable for membership fee. It is set at 30 euros.

Anyone not up to date with their payments will have 30 days to settle their situation with the association. At the end of this period, the association reserves the right to terminate membership.

Members are obliged to vote for the various consultations organized by the association, either directly or through delegation of authority.

In the association spirit, members are expected to participate in small maintenance tasks, as well as collective activities (events, open days, etc.)
During the school holidays, do not forget to add toilet paper and clean the toilets.

Each member commit to respect the rules of procedure of the Sfumato association. Non-compliance with these rules of procedure may be grounds for termination of membership and therefore put end to access to Sfumato workshop.